
Skeleton Sea


A Group and surfers, artists and friends created the green art project Skeleton Sea in 2005: João Parrinha from Lisbon, Portugal, Luis de Dios from Fuerteventura, Spain and Xandi Kreuzeder who comes from Munich, Germany and now is living in Ericeira, Portugal since 2013.

United by their love for Surf and the Ocean, the three artists are creating art in a very distinctive style. Using flotsam and jetsam: beach trash, weathered and dead materials washed up through ocean currents, flowing rivers and the sea itself, the artistic interpretation and composition of these materials brings them back to life, forming skeleton-like objects and mixed media installations, that remind us of the essential elements and the process of living and dying.

Every single artwork has a story to tell, to raise awareness against this ever-growing pollution in the oceans. The project has created more then 100 sculptures over the years — the importance of keeping the oceans clean and the importance of respecting nature and human rights is the message the three artists wish to communicate through Skeleton Sea.

Let’s “Keep the Oceans Clean!”